Why Leaders value Foresight in their organisation?

"For any country in this world trying to really go for a vision of the country, foresight is a tool you cannot go around. So, it’s not a value-added, it’s a must."

"It creates a whole different perspective and opportunity to consider alternative futures that really inform our thinking and decision processes."
What is Foresight?
Foresight is the assessment of what might happen or be needed in the future.
What is Strategic Foresight?
Strategic Foresight is an organisational planning capability that uses alternative futures to guide present decision-making under deep uncertainty.
Why is Strategic Foresight important?
The days where sound strategic decisions could be based on predictions are over. The world is shifting, pluralistic, ambiguous and novel.
Successful decision-making requires enlarged strategic bandwidth. It requires broadening the realm of the possible, about what new phenomena and realities we might see appear, about the nature and sources of strategic surprises, about how decisions might play out in alternative futures, and about which new solutions we might create.
And it requires us to translate those insights into actions and impact.